Florists in Tempe, Arizona

Fry's has 6 florists in Tempe, AZ. Order flowers for pickup by selecting a location below or use our flower delivery service to send a fresh bouquet to a loved one. If you prefer to shop in-store, our friendly florists are ready to help you create a perfect floral arrangement for any occasion!

48th St Baseline

2700 W Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85283
(602) 438-1756

Baseline McClintock

5100 S Mcclintock Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85282
(480) 752-9700
Pickup Available

McClintock Guadalupe

1835 E Guadalupe Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85283
(480) 838-7023
Pickup Available

Mill Southern

3232 S Mill Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85282
(480) 858-9096
Pickup Available

Ray Rural

9900 S Rural Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85284
(480) 783-6200
Pickup Available

Rural Southern

3255 S Rural Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85282
(480) 829-7799
Pickup Available