Healthy Apple Recipes

Healthy Apple Recipes

 July 22, 2024 2 Minute Read

If you’ve hit the orchard this fall, you might be wondering what to do with the apples in your haul. Before you go ahead and bake them all into pies, consider a better-for-you approach to cooking up this super fruit. While there’s no shortage of fresh apple recipes (like this list of our favorite simple and easy apple recipes), it can be hard to discern the healthy from the not-so-good-for-you options. That’s why we’ve gone ahead and picked out a few of our favorite healthy apple recipes that showcase them in a whole new (yet just as delicious) light.

Which Apple is the Healthiest?

Not all apples are created equal. Some apples are better for baking, some apples are sweeter than others and, most importantly, some have more nutritional benefits than others (though, they’re all healthy additions to your day!). Though your recipe may recommend a certain variety, for the most nutritious result, stick with these wholesome all-stars: Granny Smith, Liberty, Red Delicious, Honeycrisp and Braeburn.

One medium apple can have over four grams of fiber including a specific type of fiber called pectin which may help the body's detoxification process and help improve cholesterol levels. - Richie Santucci, RDN, LD, CDE, NCSF-CPT

How to Cook Apples

There are lots of different ways to cook apples, such as baking, frying and stewing, and each method produces a different flavor and texture. Some methods might require you to remove the skin while others recommend leaving it on. For best results, follow a recipe – like the ones we have right below! From unique dinner ideas to sweet desserts, your taste buds will appreciate these delicious, better-for-you apple dishes.

Ginger Apple Salad

The sweet and tangy ginger and apple cider vinegar drizzle over greens, apples and asparagus makes a delicious and nutritious way to enjoy your apple haul.

Apple & Almond Butter Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

This unique trio of flavors is a great breakfast to start your morning!

More Healthier Apple Recipes